
Welcome to 'One year to go...'! This is my story of our trip up the aisle starting with all the planning and a year to go!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

How our story began...

I know I'm not the first girl in the world to ever get married & I know I certainly won't be the last but I wanted to capture the excitement I'm feeling right now about everything, right from when we first met.

So, here's our story...

After a couple of failed relationships and a particularly nasty break up with my ex after six years I really thought I was doomed to the shelf at the ripe old age of 27. I had no idea where I was going to meet someone, let's face it, all I seemed to do was work and the only guys there could quite easily audition as extras in the Lord of the Rings!

So, after much deliberation with myself, I took the plunge and joined match.com. There, I've said it, I've admitted it to the world, I was one of those sad people that resorted to internet dating!

However, this did absolutely nothing for my self-confidence for a while, I'd log on daily to find new winks and then head on over to look at there profiles and ask myself...what?!...really???

Don't get me wrong, I am under no illusions at all, I am no supermodel, but some of these looked like they'd crawled out from under a rock that time forgot. I accept and completely agree that looks are by no means everything but you've got to find someone physically attractive to begin with, haven't you?

By this point I was ready to throw in the towel and give up on everything but for some reason I decided to take one last look at the lastest winks before I did. There, in my inbox, was a wink from crofty_00 and hey, he wasn't bad looking at all, quite god damn cute in fact! I decided to have a look at his profile and found we 'matched' on a long list of things. Something told me I needed to follow this one up, so I winked back and attached an email.

I have no idea now what I said in it but it must have worked ; )

I didn't know until much later on, but I could access all areas of match.com for free from my phone, poor old H2B had to pay to join for a month just to read my message...whoops!

I sent him my mobile number and didn't hear anything for a while and I guess I'd given up on him a bit. But then, I was a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding and feeling abit sorry for myself as I was on my own and decided to check my mobile for any messages or missed calls.

There, in my inbox, was a text from an unknown number. I can still remember it word for word...
         "Hi Kirsty, it's Oli off match. Hope you're ok and enjoying your sisters wedding. Hope to hear from you soon xx"
From then on we text a lot...a hell of a lot! He even changed his contract to get extra free texts lol! And I can't believe how patient he was. That first text was sent on the 7th of June and I didn't agree to a date until the 13th of August!!

We met for a drink in a bar in Leamington and I think from that night I knew he was quite special and definitely worth hanging on to.

I guess the rest is history, it's true, you do have to kiss a lot of frogs (some toads in my case!) before you find your prince but it's so worth it when you do find him!

Roll on December! : ) xx


  1. I also met my husband on match.com, and had to pay to sign up so I could email him back. I got three months for the price of one (this was seven years ago, so it was quite cheap back then), so I figured if it didn't work out then I'd have plenty of time to get on with finding someone else instead!

  2. Hahaha brilliant! I love your thinking! ; )
