
Welcome to 'One year to go...'! This is my story of our trip up the aisle starting with all the planning and a year to go!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Can I hold it together?...

A few things have been worrying me about the big day recently and as it gets closer...yes I know there's still 199 days to go but they seem to be disappearing quicker & quicker the nearer we get to it.

And I'm starting to panic...about all sorts! The latest being the inevitable tears on the day. We've spent a lot of time carefully selecting the right readings with wording that means something to us but they make me cry. Seeing Oli in his tails makes me cry. The entrance music makes me cry. The thought that someone wants to spend the rest of their life with little old me makes me cry. All be it they are happy tears but they're still tears.

Two very good friends got married a couple of weeks ago and I know this was one of the bride's worries before hand but she did amazingly! I didn't! It was the most beautiful ceremony. As soon as I saw her coming down the aisle I got goosebumps and welled up and then when they said their vows...written by themselves that was it, I cried.

If I can't hold it together for our friends twenty minute civil ceremony how on earth am I going to hold it together for a whole hour in church?!

And then there's the dreams!

I've had three wedding dreams so far all of them not so nice! The first was ok-ish but my dress was the one Belle wears in Beauty & the Beast, hence I woke in a slight panic.

The second was slightly worse...we had two ceremonies (no I've no idea why either!) the first in a huge room where H2B had invited all of the people I don't like and not any of my friends, the second was the day after up this great big muddy hill that I'm climbing forever, my dress getting trashed in muddy puddles and caught on rocks. I can see H2B at the top but I just can't get to him so he gives up waiting and goes home!

The third and most recent was probably the most concerning lol! The hotel had lost my dress, they hadn't laid any of the tables out to how I had requested, it's 3pm and I'm still not in my dress, the wedding is at 12 noon, and the hotel staff are telling me that there's no point me going now as H2B gave up waiting for me ages ago. And I woke up screaming 'No! He'd never go without me! He would wait!'

I think if it carries on much longer I shall be being carted off to the asylum! I'd love to know what they all mean though...they're starting to disturb me ever so slightly!

If any of you can interpret dreams feel free to have a go at these ; ) xx

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